Irish in America

I thought that the documentary the Irish in America was very interesting. It focused on Alfred Smith (who I never heard about) and it talked about his entire life. It was interesting to see how he came from the bottom and worked his self upward and made a name for himself. He started working at a young age because his father passed away and he had to take care of his family. It was a nice story about how hard work and dedication pay off. It was also interesting to learn about the Irish since they’re not talked about too much and a lot of interesting facts were talked about.

The Irish in America Reaction

The Irish in America was an interesting documentary. I thought it was a “real” look at Irish immigrants. This documentary showed the good and bad attributes to the community. I found it interesting that the 4th ward was one of the most crowded square miles in the world. I liked seeing how the immigrants worked hard to give themselves better lives and to fight for better lives for those around them. I had never heard of Al Smith before and I found his story interesting. His story showed the power of working hard and gave hope to all Irish in New York. It is amazing to see the changes that he made and how many of the laws for the working class that were created are still around to this day.

Blog #4

In the late 19th century, there was a urban explosion in the United States. The United States was becoming industrialized and needed more workers. Immigrants started pouring over from all over the world for a chance at a better life. They were running away from war and famine in their home countries. These immigrants usually worked for lower wages because it was still better from where they were coming from. Businesses boomed due to not having to pay high wages. An increase in immigrants caused cities to expand and offer more services for those living there. More job opportunities were created and women and children were also working, not just men. However, as America was expanding, more land and rights were being taken away from Native Americans across the U.S.

Blog post #4

Native Americans and their land was being taken away that they were promised in treaties and belonged to them, they were split up and given away.  Forces inside to hide behind doors while prating their cutlers and forced them to use white goods. In all both factored industrialized the country by using rich countries for their natural remeasures in order to produce goods. people from other countries were willing to work for lower wages which increased the demand for immigrants.

Blog 4: Colonialism and Imperialism

As cities grew bigger and became more popular, more people immigrated from all over the world looking for jobs. People from other countries were willing to work for lower wages which increased the demand for immigrants. And with more people coming, more jobs were being created for everybody.

For the Native Americans, their land was being taken away that they were promised in treaties and belonged to them and they were split up and given away. They ended up with less land then they had before and the rest of it was sold.

Blog #4: Colonialism & Imperialism

Colonialism contributed to the U.S. by improving education and bringing in modernization and the development of the colony. I’ve also read that colonialism can lead to imperialism. Imperialism rarely benefited a country & stripped ppl of their cultures, hurt them economically & for the Indians chop up reservation lands. It forced Indians to hide behind doors while practicing their cultures & forced them to use white goods. Colonialism only had some positive factors for the white man but slim to none to the Native American. In all, both factors industrialized the country by using rich countries for their natural resources in order to produce goods.


Geronimo was wanted by the solders, he was visit killer to his hunters, in the course of the hunting he would become a legend and a symbol of the untamed freedom of the american west. when a boy was older, he faces the monster and hill him, he was  then called a Apaches all heralded are named after him. to angry whites, Geronimo became the archfiend, predator of crocheting. to his fallowed he remained the upholder of Chihuahua ways. other app aches Geronimo was a stubborn trouble maker. germination surrendered 3 times and accepted the Apaches reservations to Arizona. reservation life was confining to the free moving Apache people, and they resented restrictions on their customary way of life.

Geronimo: We Shall Remain

I really enjoyed the video about Geronimo. I don’t recall learning anything about him in high school, so the documentary was very educational, and interesting to me.

How exhausting it must have been to run from cavalry your whole life. I never realized how badly our ancestors were treated. Very interesting to know why Apaches always have their hair cut short…because they were grieving, and mourning the loss of hundreds of family members and people. Hurtful to find out that the government had bounties on children, women, and got paid most for the warrior`s scalps. As I discussed the documentary with a Navajo about Geronimo…he informed me that not all the information disclosed in the documentary is actually true. He went on to tell me that Geronimo wasn’t in fact Chiracahua Apache, and that is why most people of that tribe claim him or don’t in fact, even like him.

Apparently, by the end of his life he had finally accepted the white way of life. They had him in a “Wild West” show like he was in the circus or something. I didn’t like that or that he allegedly took the lives of a family that fed him and his men. That is totally wrong even though we were being raided just the same. The End….


Blog post #3

It first started with the California gold rush and the finding of silver ore. This led to people flocking to the west from all over the world in search of golf and silver. Mexican laborers worked the frames creating a good group of farm workers that were only paid seventy five certs a day.  The gold mining and commercial farming made the west their own brand of industrialization.